Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Boy

My boy, Joey, is such a neat kid. He makes me smile all the time. It's snowing today and he wanted to go outside. So I get him all dressed and out he goes. Right away he asks me to make him a little snowman so he could smash it with his outside Thomas train. I stick to the kitchen and the laundry room when he's out so I can keep an eye on him. He spent most of his time laying on the ground making his trains drive through the snow. My Little Man in the snowOne time he came in and asked if I could make him a snow crab out of one of our beach molds. As soon as I handed it to him, he ate it! Afterwards, he came in for hot chocolate. I love my boy!


Stephanie said...

awwhh...a snow crab? so cute. I love the snow. i wish i played in it more often.

Stephanie said...

when your baby gets bigger, you will