Today is Joey's birthday and I wanted to share some photos of Joey from then and now. It's amazing how quickly your children grow. Sometimes I feel like life is passing me by. It's crazy!

This is the photo we took for Alex to announce that she is a big sister. Joey is 3 days old.

We were so excited for Joey's first Halloween because we found Tigger and Pooh costumes. This was taken in September, almost two months before halloween.

This was Joey's first lollipop. Alex was sharing her halloween candy with him. At first I almost had a heart attack. Then I thought, what the heck. No harm in a little sugar and broke out the camera. He was 8 months old.

This one is one of my favorites. Alex used to do all sorts of things with and to Joey. Her favorite thing was to show him books when he was in the walker. One day, she decided to decorate him with stickers. At least it wasn't markers. My neice Camryn decided her brother needed powder when he was little and dumped a bunch of it on his head. So I felt lucky that this is all she did to him.

If you felt like you've seen this picture before, you probably have. It was on his first birthday photo. I don't really remember why he was in the basket. Anything that I write would be pure speculation.
At times I feel Joey is not as advanced at certain things that Alex probably was at his age. In the rush of life, I don't take the time to show him how to do things like put his coat and shoes on and brush his own teeth. I just do it for him. He still amazes me at times though. For example, he puts his own train tracks together. They don't always work out but sometimes they do. We can always hear him making up his own stories too. It's really neat. The other day, we went to a party at McDonald's. I brought his food over and then got distracted talking to someone. When I looked over at him, he had all his food set out and even had his straw in his drink. I was pleasantly surprised. My Little Man is becoming such a big boy right before my eyes.
Here are some photos of Joey today

This was riding on Thomas the Tank Engine in December

He looks so small next to that great big train.

This black tongues is from black icing at halloween.

This picture, I feel is the perfect depiction of Joey. Carefree, easy going, in his own world.

As you can see, he has Thomas in his hands. This is normal.
He amazes me everyday. Whether it's something he says or does. He gives the best hugs. I love him to pieces. I can't believe my baby turns 4 today. One thing is for sure. Life moves too too fast.
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