Sunday, February 28, 2010

Train Show and Hangin at Uncle Tom's & Aunt Diane's

There was a train show near Tom & Diane's in Valley Forge. So we went up for the night then went to the show the next day. The kids had a great time playing together. It was difficult to get Thomas to look at the camera. Brianne tried to help out.
We slept on an air matress in the living room. The kids had fun running and jumping on it.
Thomas and Joey wore their matching PJ's
Thomas tent... where's Joey?Found him =) Thomas liked the tent, he just didn't want to go in.
Joey still gets shoulder rides.
Joey racing in the Slot car race. Brianne and Diane
Alex racing...

She won and got to put her name on the winner's list. Again!

One last pic before we leave.
We went out to eat afterwards. The boys


The girlsThis is what happened when I tried to get Joey in the picture.

Diane and I

Friday, February 26, 2010

Teddy Bear Tea

Pre-K had a "Teddy Bear Tea". It was incredibly cute. Each class sang and then we had iced tea and cookies. Joey is the first kid on the left.
Joey in his teddy bear hat and his "teddy". Are you surprised to see a kitty?
Alex and Joey. Alex has great eyes in this picture.
"Big Brown Bear." I love it!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

100th Day of School

Today is the 100th day of school and it is a big deal. (Previously moved from last week due to snow days). Every kid in the school does a 100th day project. This is Alex's: Thanks to Uncle Tome and Aunt Diane who bought Alex 30 pair of earrings for Christmas, Alex was able to bring 100 earrings as her project. They are arranged in the shape of a 100.
Joey's class did 100th day snack soup. Joey brought in 100 raisins.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Blizzard of 2010

Ok. So we saw the most snow I've ever seen at one time in one place. I measured but now I can't remember at all how many inches we got. It was a lot. Unfortunately, I lost my camera snow tubing the week after which I had all the blizzard and snowtubing pics on, so this is the only photos I have from the blizzard. =(

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Joey has a lazy eye that is not getting any stronger. So, he has to wear an eye patch for two hours a day until it strengthens. He's ok with it. Especially because he has a patch chart and when it's full, we will see Thomas in June.