Thursday, January 8, 2009

And My Punkin's Riding the Bus

My Punkin is such a big girl. School is 20 minutes from our house but on the bus, it's like a 45-50 min bus ride. Besides that, she's only in kindergarten. Isn't that too small to ride the bus? Not to her. Once she realized every other kid in her class rode the bus, she started asking. Plenty of other kids get picked up from her school, just no one else from her class. It didn't help that the kids constantly asked why she didn't ride the bus. As of Tuesday, Alex officially rides the bus home from school. She already has to get up at 6:15 to be ready by 7:30 so riding in the morning is virtually impossible. Life moves too fast! So we called Mommom and went out to dinner and she couldn't figure out what the heck the big deal was.

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