My Little Man has a handful of favorite things.
Joey loves to mow the lawn with Daddy... It's so neat to see him dart out to get his lawn mower when he sees Daddy mowing. Daddy gets a kick out of it too. I guess we know who'll be mowing the lawn in another 7+ years.
The stuffed kitties... There must be at least 20. There are two Mommies and the rest are babies and I think he and Alex play with them at least once a day. When they talk to each other, they just add a meow meow at the end. It's pretty cute.
WATERMELON... who doesn't?
Hangin with Poppop... Poppop and Joey have a special bond. It's kinda hard to describe. One thing is for sure, they enjoy each others company. Joey especially loves jumping in Poppop's seat as soon as he gets up.
His new quad!... Not exactly new just new to him. He's a mad man on this thing! He doesn't seem to know how to take his foot off the pedal. It's a good thing we have plenty of yard!
Mommy's jacket... This obsession is slightly disturbing to Brodie. It's my jacket. It's an old velour maternity jacket that I loved until I was asked one to many times if I was pregnant while wearing it. It was then that I realized I needed to stop wearing it. It's was shortly before that that Joey realized he liked it. He likes the way it feels. Today, although he does not play with it, it does go everywhere he goes, even the potty. We do feel the need to make limits. It goes in the car but does not come out until we are home again. He sleeps with it and asks for it multiple times throughout the day.
But most of all.... He LOVES TRAINS! Especially Thomas the Tank Engine but all trains!
My Little Man is such a neat little boy. There are many things he loves but one stands above the rest. He loves his trains. I love to watch him play and talk to himself. His scenarios are usually situations he has actually experienced or fantasies that he and Alex have created. The rest have come from Thomas cartoons. But it does not end there. He loves all trains. He loves model trains. We find ourselves frequenting Train Museums. He loves to ride on trains. Even pretend ones. It has become quite an infatuation. My living floor is regularly covered in trains and so is Mommoms. At least one train goes everywhere he goes, including the potty!
He's one of a kind and he's all boy. I think we'll keep him!
Awwwh....what a cute little guy. Don't you wish that our lawnmowers had bubbles that came out? I might think it was fun to mow the lawn then too. And as for your jacket..I think that's so cute. Kira wasn't into binkies, and doesn't really have a blanket that she carries everywhere. I kinda want her to have one..but, not really at the same time. I don't know. Cute blog my sitter...I knew you'd come around!!!! Miss you tons! I keep hoping you'll have a blog problem and call me lol. ha!
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