Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My Super Citizen!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
First Day of School
Hard to believe Alex is a first grader and Joey is in kindergarten. How do I make the time stop going. Too big, too smart, too cute! I love my babies!
We've started a tradition with first day of school presents and they remember. They talked about it for 2 weeks prior.
Zhu Zhu pets seem to be the popular item right now.
Waiting for the bus
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Pappap 2!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Joey Loses a tooth!
Joey lost what should've been the first tooth yesterday. So exciting! Mainly because I feel like he will get his top teeth in early. Hopefully over the summer next year. Sad part about the lost tooth is that he really LOST the tooth. Dropped it in the grass at Pappap's house and we couldn't find it!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Joey Never Ceases to Amaze Me
Joey is not his sister Alex. We all know that. He seems to always have his own agenda. However, it has never been easy not to compare him to her. The little things that they were able to do themselves at their age. I often feel that Alex was always more adavance than Joey is at his particular age. Since Joey has turned 5, he has found a new self-confidence. He suddenly can do things that I never imagined he would be doing. So I looked back at a post I did when Alex was turning 5. http://campbellsoupandkids.blogspot.com/2008/11/life-moves-too-fast.html And guess what! Joey does most of those things too!
I was especially excited when he could buckle his own seat belt! I always wished for that when it was raining. So that's what I'm writing as #1!
- He buckles his own seatbelt
- He can zip his coat
- He can button and unbutton
- He can swing himself (although he chooses not to most of the time)
- He skips! I celebrate this because I never thought it would happen
- He sings and I love it!! He sings lots of songs from school.
- He draws hearts and can write his name as well as Mom
- He draws all sorts of things now, including people, trains, cats and various others.
- He loves dot-to-dots and mazes and he's good at them
He is not his sister but I love him the same. He makes me smile everyday and his hugs are the best. I can't believe my Little Man is such a big boy. Life Moves Too Fast!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A Muddy Situation
Sunday, April 18, 2010
And Daisy Makes 6
On February 21st, the newest member of our family arrived. A 4 month old puppy that we named Daisy. As with any new puppy, there were adjustments that had to be made, rules were set, and punishments established. Well, now that Daisey seems to be potty trained, she is allowed to sleep in the family bed. Daisy makes 6. Morgan, the cat, does not prefer her so it is not often that we are all together. As if I didn't have enough hands in my face and feet in my side. She's still a cutie and how could we continue to say no to this face:
This is the day we brought her home
A few weeks later
This is about as close as they ever get to each other
My baby getting ready to romp in the snow
We weren't sure how'd she re-act. She didn't seem to mind a bit.
She actually, really seemed to like it! Here's a cute video of her being crazy in the snow:

She's so stinkin cute!
Our First T-Ball Game
Alex and Joey are both on the same T-Ball team this year. This is Joey's first year and Alex's second. Saturday was our first game. It was so cute. Joey was very clueless at first. At one point, they both were sitting in the grass in the outfield during the game.
Alex, Hannah (girl from Alex's class) and Joey
He was eager to participate at this point
Alex wanted to be the catcher. She was not bad, just very... slow.
Joey's first bat
Alex's bat
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Emilee comes to visit / Emilee's birthday party
Emilee and Evin came to visit over the weekend. Poor kids didn't have a spring break. But we were glad they were able to visit anyway.
Emilee, Alex, and Evin
Monkeying around
Joey too.
Em fell and got hurt. An ice pack and she was all better. Emilee's Birthday Party
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
To pick or not to pick
Monday, March 1, 2010
Joey's 5th Birthday
Here are pics from Joey's birthday. We had his party the same day so we let him open some presents when he woke up and we sang and he had a cupcake. Then later, he had a party at McDonald's.

It's just what I wanted! Lightning McQueen change color cars! Off to McDonald's
Whoa! what's in the box?!?!
The cake!
So awesome!!
Joey's bud, Riley, from school

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