On February 21st, the newest member of our family arrived. A 4 month old puppy that we named Daisy. As with any new puppy, there were adjustments that had to be made, rules were set, and punishments established. Well, now that Daisey seems to be potty trained, she is allowed to sleep in the family bed. Daisy makes 6. Morgan, the cat, does not prefer her so it is not often that we are all together. As if I didn't have enough hands in my face and feet in my side. She's still a cutie and how could we continue to say no to this face:

This is the day we brought her home

A few weeks later

This is about as close as they ever get to each other

My baby getting ready to romp in the snow

We weren't sure how'd she re-act. She didn't seem to mind a bit.

She actually, really seemed to like it!
Here's a cute video of her being crazy in the snow:
She's so stinkin cute!
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