We went up for Mike's birthday on Sunday. We had crabs for the first time this season. No Tracie but Mikey and Jessie were there. Jess is pregnant and so cute! It's always nice to see everyone! I forgot my camera so this is from Easter.
I am a mother to two almost perfect children, Alex and Joey. I am married to a close to perfect husband even though he still hasn't gotten that I am ALWAYS right. Iam always trying to change my appearance using Weight Watchers. I lost my mother to ALS on January 5, 2008 and I will never be the same, yet time has managed to tick on. My 5 year old, Joey started Kindergarten this year and loves school. I can't believe how time flies. My 6 year old, Alexandra is in 1st grade this year and she is such a good girl and a rule follower. Alex enjoys school this year more than any other. She doesn't know why but my allegations are that she is Miss popular and really enjoys her teacher this year. Although she has been ready all of her young life, I will never be ready. Life moves too fast.
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