To celebrate Mommom's birthday, her children congregate at her house and of course we sing and eat.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Mommom Campbell and Aunt Lisa
To celebrate Mommom's birthday, her children congregate at her house and of course we sing and eat.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Alex's Birthday Bash!
Happy Birthday To You Baby Girl! We love you to pieces!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My Punkin is 5 - Today!
Joey, Lost A Tooth!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Life Moves Too Fast

Alex was 6 months old in this photo and she was baby of the week in K-Mart for it.
This is a video of Alex's first steps. It was taken on 8/20/2004 (she was 2 days shy of 9 months old). It wasn't long after that she was on her own.

Today, Alex amazes me regularly with the things that she can do. I want to list 20 of them for you now.
- She tells jokes.
- She performs magic tricks.
- She can tie knots.
- She can button and unbutton her shirt ALONE!
- She puts on and zips her coat ALONE!
- She can swing herself. =)
- She can buckle and unbuckle herself in and out of the carseat.
- She can ride her bike (with training wheels).
- She roller skates.
- She can climb to the top of the jungle gym.
- She recognizes and writes the Alphabet.
- She draws people...and cats as well as colors in the lines.
- She is very social and makes friends easily.
- She prays on her own.
- She remembers to tell me things that the teacher tells her to tell me.
- She writes her first and last name as well as Joey, Mom, Mommom, and Poppop. She can also copy anything that you write for her.
- One of my very most favorites is that she sings. She sings songs that she's been taught and she makes up her own.
- She takes good photos.
- She paints.
Here are some photos of my Punkin today:
This is her very first modeling gig.
Roller skating.
Mini golf. She hits the ball in the hole.
This is Pre-K Graduation from June. Isn't she beautiful.
One of the funny things she does is the Soduko that is in the bathroom when she goes. She randomly fills in numbers in open blocks. She looks very serious when she's doing it too. She also is such a daredevil. She loves to ride the roller coasters at the boardwalk and can't wait until she's tall enough to ride the bigger ones.
It's hard to grasp that my little punkin is not so little anymore. She's so self sufficient and independent. Sending her to school this year was very tough for me and not at all for her. She asks regularly if she can ride the bus. Brodie and I just aren't ready to take that step yet. She seems to have a little something going on with a boy at school and he shares the feelings. I say nothing to her about it because I'm not ready for my little girl to recognize that she likes boys. She loves to sing and will sing when she's happy or bored or just in a daze. She's such a good girl too. Such a mommy pleaser. She's getting so big. I always wonder what she'll be like when she's older. One thing is for sure, it's coming too quickly. Life Moves Too Fast.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Family Tree
Family of the Week
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Screamin Halloween
Apple Bobbing:
This is Ryan. Go Ryan!
Screaming Contest:
The loudest scream would be Laura. Next to her is Kevin. Then there's Alex, Joey, and Sarah
Birthday Party:Happy 3rd Birthday Sarah!
Magic Show:
Alex volunteered for every magic trick and he finally chose her for the grand finale, The rabbit out of the hat trick! I think we were all more excited than she was. She seemed a little nervous.
Other pics:
Like father, like son. This was not planned.Ryan
Thomas & Maya (so cute!) They are close to 10 months apart and yes, they are very close in size!
Mommom & Thomas
All in all, we had a great time!