Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tiffany's Homecoming Game

Tiffany is my Aunt Lisa's 18 year old daughter. She is a senior this year and the captain of the cheerleading squad at my old Alma Mater, Cumberland Regional High School. Tiffany Has been a competition cheerleader since she was 9 and before that she was in gymnastics since she was around 5. She was always good at it too. Tiffany was also always the beauty of the family.

Alex has wanted to see Tiffany cheer for a while so we drove up to Cumberland's Homecoming game to see her. We had front row seats. Alex was very excited.

Tiffany is the girl in the air on the right. She has always been a "flyer".
Our Family... It was cold outside!
Here's Tiffany in action =) She's the one in front in the middle.

Unfortunately, Cumberland lost 14 to 28 but it was a good game.

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